Selbstverständlich unrasiert – diese Bilder zeigen, wie wunderbar Natürlichkeit ist

Der Fotograf Ben Hopper fotografierte Frauen mit ihrer natürlichen Körperbehaarung. Bilder fernab der gängigen Haltung, Frauenkörper sollten so haarlos wie möglich sein.

Schön haarig

Wie oft rasiert ihr euch die Beine oder die Achseln? Der Londoner Fotograf Ben Hopper hat Frauen portraitiert, die auf lästiges Rasieren verzichten und sich damit gegen die gesellschaftliche Erwartung stellen, dass Frauen glatte Beine und haarlose Achseln haben müssen.

Die daraus enstandene Bilderstrecke „Natural Beauty“ zeigt einmal mehr wie wunderschön Natürlichkeit ist.

Jess Waldman 

„Growing my armpit hair has been a recent experiment and the longer it gets, the more I like it! I like the way it looks & feels. It has given me a new respect for myself.“

Foto: Ben Hopper

Hege Eriksdatter

„Body hair is generally not normalized yet, just like a whole lot of other things, and so being part of forming a richer image of body image, beauty and choices makes me feel pretty darn proud when I reflect on it.“

Foto: Ben Hopper

Alex Wellburn

„Please celebrate your body! Own who you are and be that! At the end of the day we are all trying to figure out who we are everyday of the year as much as we are all changing and learning about ourselves every other day.“

Foto: Ben Hopper

Ayan Mohamed

„I would recommend growing it to any women. A trim here and there doesn’t hurt, but it is so beautiful – even my boyfriend has changed his opinion about it now.“

Foto: Ben Hopper

Ruby Bird 

„It made me feel good! Like myself, like I couldn’t care what others felt, sort of empowered and comfortable in what my body naturally decided to look like.“

Foto: Ben Hopper

Darian Koszinski

„As an artist, I have responsibility to show what’s possible and to set an example for others. By showing my body hair on stage, I would like to stimulate and change people’s point of view. I’d like to motivate women to make their own choices.“

Foto: Ben Hopper
